Cat 2 – Incidents, Accidents and Emergencies Motorway Rules Other Types of Vehicle Road and Traffic Signs

Welcome to your Cat 2 - Incidents, Accidents and Emergencies Motorway Rules Other Types of Vehicle Road and Traffic Signs


What's the national speed limit on motorways for cars and motorcycles?


What is the appearance of a person who is in shock?


Powered vehicles, such as wheelchairs or scooters, used by disabled people have a maximum speed of?


At an incident, a casualty is unconscious. You need to check whether they're breathing. How long should you allow for this check?


When can you overtake on a solid white line, on a road?


What is a gantry on a Motorway?


When should you stop on the hard shoulder on a motorway?


You arrive at the scene of an accident. A motor cyclist is injured. They still have their helmet on. What should you do?


When joining the motorway, what should you do?


You have pulled up behind a bus, what do you need to be aware of?

If you see a triangular road sign what is it telling you?

If you see a triangular road sign, what is it telling you?

What does this road sign mean?

What does this sign mean?


If there are red X's flashing above your ALL lanes on the motorway, what should you do?


You arrive at the scene of an accident, a patient has a burn. What do you put on it?


You are about the overtake a cyclist on a windy day. What should you do?

Cat 1 – Alertness, Attitude, Documents & Hazard Awareness

Welcome to your Cat 1 - Alertness, Attitude, Documents & Hazard Awareness

When should you switch your headlights on, on your vehicle?

Before initiating the overtaking manoeuvre, what do you need to consider?

At what time of the day, can you not sound your horn?

You are moving off from the side of the road, where should you check before you move away?

Why should you check your mirrors when slowing down, stopping or pulling over?

When should you give way to a bus?

Drinking alcohol as a driver will give you

What should you do if the large lorry is turning right in front of you, & moves to the left hand side of the road   Lorry turning right

When should you flash your headlights?

What does DVLA stand for?

What is a cover note?

You have just passed your driving test, you get 6 penalty points on your licence, within 2 years of taking your test. What will you have to do?

What does the words Blind Spot mean?

When should you use your vehicle horn?

What should you do it someone, pulls out in front of you whilst you are driving?