Pass your theory test with us!

To try the questions below please complete your name and email address. We won’t pass your details on to anyone else, we will just use them to send you your results and monitor how you’re doing so that we might be able to help you. Each question will tell you the right answer when you submit it, so that you can learn from the test. Don’t be afraid of getting the wrong answer, the more you practice the better you will get!


Welcome to your Cat 1 - Alertness, Attitude, Documents & Hazard Awareness

What does the words Blind Spot mean?

When can you supervise a Learner Driver? Mark THREE answers

What are the causes for loss of concentration?

What is tailgating?

When in stationary traffic, how do you minimalize glare to the vehicle behind you?

You are approaching an unmarked crossroads, what should you do?

When should you give way to a bus?

When should you switch your headlights on, on your vehicle?

Before initiating the overtaking manoeuvre, what do you need to consider?

What is a V5 document?

You are moving off from the side of the road, where should you check before you move away?

What does SORN mean?

On a dry road, what distance should you leave between you & the vehicle in front?

What can distract you from your driving? Mark TWO answers

You have just passed your driving test, you get 6 penalty points on your licence, within 2 years of taking your test. What will you have to do?